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Hard filter disc

Pub Date:2024/3/7  Hits:0


Hard filter discs belong to a relatively mature and outdated filter disc structure. The inner and outer circles of the disc are welded by micro beam plasma welding, which has high strength and requires high welding equipment. Hard filter discs can process various precision sintered felt discs, especially for 1 μ m. 2 μ m. 3 μ m. 5 μ The processing advantages of sintered felt discs are quite prominent. This type of product has a wide range of applicability.
Product features: high strength, wide applicability
Application scope: PA film, PET film, high viscosity medium filtration, etc
Product disadvantages: The thickness of the disc is slightly thicker than that of the soft filter disc, and the number of machines installed under the same filter is slightly less, the filtering area is reduced, and the applicable period is slightly shorter.

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